IEEE Hacks

IEEE Hacks

Saturday, May 11th, 10:00 AM to 8:00 PM, at ESB 1001

UCSB IEEE is kicking off its first-ever hackathon on Saturday, May 11, 2019! Participants will compete in teams of up to 3 to code an Artificial Intelligence bot for the all-new Colorfight II game, a round-based attack-defense game where players conquer resources and territories to win.

In addition to free shirts and stickers, we will give out up to $500 worth of prizes, including gift cards, t-shirts, and electronics. The winner of this AI battle royale can look forward to receiving their very own Switch or PlayStation 4!

Join us in making history in our first AI hackathon at UCSB!

Sign up at the IEEE Hacks website!

Have any questions? Reach out to us at